Icelandic Festival of Manitoba President,

Marilyn Valgardson

Velkomin to Gimli and the 134th Islendingadagurinn!

Við erum ánægðir að sjá þig hér! (We are delighted to see you here!)

We are happy to host you from around the world and especially welcome our invited guests.  

As we come together to celebrate and connect with our Icelandic Culture and Heritage, I find myself reflecting on the stories and sagas I grew up with.  That is why this year´s theme, “Continue Your Saga / Haltu Sögu Þínni Áfram´ is so near and dear to my heart, and I encourage you to reflect on, embrace, and share your own Icelandic saga.

Icelanders are famous for storytelling and for sharing our history – both new and old – in story or sagas. It is incumbent on all our generations to continue to share our sagas and to teach them to our youth. It is up to us to also continue to make new traditions and new memories that our descendants can embrace and celebrate for another 134 years – to continue the strong bond that is Islendingadagurinn.

Congratulations and takk fyrir to our honoured Fjallkona Tammy Axelsson.  The honor to serve as 2023 Fjallkona is well deserved and you have served us well.  Thank you to Fiona and Kate for serving as Fjallkona Attendants.

Thank you to Aslaug Arna Sigurbjornsdottir, and Carly Welham for offering Toasts to Canada and to Iceland.  Our traditional program would not be what it is without our honoured guests, we thank you for attending and bringing greetings.  A special thank you to the Consul General of Iceland in Canada, Vilhjammur Wiium for his assistance and support in continuing our Icelandic Festival of Manitoba Saga.

Our Festival with its traditions, events and activities would not take place without some of the most amazing and dedicated volunteers. From our dedicated Board of Directors to our Festival Manager and Staff, to our Event Chairs and Event Volunteers – my sincerest and heartfelt gratitude to all of you who make Islendingadagurinn happen.

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Icelandic Festival of Manitoba

Festival Gift Shop / Office 

Spring Hours 
Monday - Thursday, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM 
*Please call or email to arrange an appointment if required*

General Inquiries:
Phone: 1 (204) 642-7417

107-94 1st Avenue
Gimli, Manitoba, R0C 1B1