Donation Opportunities

As well as helping to create this beautiful and vibrant green space, your donation will be invested to ensure the Icelandic Festival can continue to provide family-friendly events at low or no cost, so people of all income levels can enjoy Icelandic culture and heritage for generations to come.

Donor Opportunities

2023 Update: Limited donor opportunities are available until August 31, 2023. 

  • Bench (1 available)
  • Settlement Marker (1 available) 
  • Breakwater Timber Plaque (SOLD OUT)* We may offer this opportunitiy again in 2023

Donations are available for online payment through the website. Please contact the office directly at (204) 642-7417 or for questions or to purchase a bench or settlement marker.

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Icelandic Festival of Manitoba

Festival Gift Shop / Office 

Winter Hours
Monday, Friday - 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 
*Please call or email to arrange an appointment if required*

General Inquiries:
Phone: 1 (204) 642-7417

107-94 1st Avenue
Gimli, Manitoba, R0C 1B1