Islendingadagurinn is excited to announce Janice Arnason as the Fjallkona of the 133rd festival.
Janice’s nieces: Avery Porteous and Hana Arnason-McNeil, will serve as her attendants and Tim Arnason will celebrate his 27th and final year as the official Fjallkona escort.
The Fjallkona is an important part of Icelandic culture that’s been celebrated and honored for hundreds of years. The Fjallkona, or lady of the mountain, represents “Iceland,” and the Icelanders are her children.
Sigrun Lindel became the first Fjallkona of Islendingadagurinn in 1924 and each year since then a new Fjallkona has been chosen by the Icelandic community in Manitoba. It is a celebration of women and a time-honored tradition
At Islendingadagurinn the Fjallkona sits on her elevated throne clad, in a beautiful Icelandic costume. Her white dress is purity and integrity, and the Icelandic glaciers. The lace veil is the snow-capped mountains; the green cape is the Icelandic countryside. The crown proudly features the Icelandic coat of arms.
Janice Arnason is an Educator and musician, born and raised in Minerva at Viðivollum, settled by Magnus and Emmarentiana Narfason in 1897. Icelandic was the first language of her parents, Oli and Guðny Johnson Narfason, and Janice grew up immersed in Icelandic culture and heritage.
Music has long been a part of Janice’s life. She belonged to Anna Steven’s Icelandic Children’s choir and has sung the Icelandic folksongs into her adult life, teaching them to her daughters and nieces.
Janice has been involved with the Icelandic Festival for over 40 years. She’s a former committee chair, board member, past president, and a long-time volunteer. She is pleased that her son, Stefan Arnason, has recently joined the Icelandic Festival Board of Directors, following in the footsteps of her and her husband, Cameron Arnason.
Janice has been an integral part of many Islendingadagurinn events including the New Iceland’s Children’s Choir, Music and Poetry in the Park, Music on the Rooftop, the Culture and Heritage Pavilion, Fashion Show, Gala, and Celebrity Concert.
Janice is an amazing volunteer and community member. In addition to her work with the festival, she’s a member of the Executive and assists with music for services for the Unitarian Church in Gimli. She’s a board member for the Evergreen Festival of the Arts and assists with the Evergreen Band Boosters. She was a committee chair for the Scotties Tournament of Hearts, TSN Curling Skins and Relay for Life. She currently helps to administer the Westshore Foundation's Community Arts Fund, established by Oli and Marg Narfason.
The Icelandic Festival thanks Anna Stevens, the 2020 and 2021 Fjallkona, for representing the festival and remaining a bright spot for all of us these past two years.
We look forward to celebrating with Janice at the 134th Islendingadagurinn, from Friday, July 29th to Monday, August 1st, 2022.