Islendingadagurinn in the Media

Media Contacts

Email: General Inquiries 
Marketing / Communications: Jenna Boholij

Gimli’s Viking Statue Undergoing Repairs

Gimli’s Viking Statue Undergoing Repairs - The 48-year-old statue is being refurbished at a cost of up to $60,000. As part of the rejuvenation, a new Viking Park has been announced for the community.

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A Park fit for a Viking

A Park fit for a Viking

Winnipeg Sun - Organizers of Gimli's Icelandic Festival are joining in with the municipality in the hopes of creating a park worthy of a Viking.

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Icelandic Festival of Manitoba

Festival Gift Shop / Office 

Winter Hours
Monday, Friday - 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 
*Please call or email to arrange an appointment if required*

General Inquiries:
Phone: 1 (204) 642-7417

107-94 1st Avenue
Gimli, Manitoba, R0C 1B1