Islendingadagurinn in the Media
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Email: General Inquiries
Marketing / Communications: Jenna Boholij

Viking, elves, trolls gather in new park
Winnipeg Free Press - GIMLI — There are elves living in a garden in the new Viking Park in Gimli. Don’t believe it? Go there and see for yourself.

9 Terms to Help you get your Viking on at the Icelandic Festival of Manitoba
Travel Manitoba - Once you have the pronunciation of Islendingadagurinn down pat, it’s time to start studying other terms that might come in handy at the 2017 Icelandic Festival of Manitoba, taking place from August 4 to 7 in Gimli, Manitoba.…

Islendingadagurinn Celebrates Music and Icelandic Culture in Gimli, Aug 4-7
Manitoba Music - Soaking up live music in the great outdoors is a summer tradition in Manitoba. On this August long weekend, Gimli is the place to do just that. Islendingadagurinn, or the Icelandic Festival of Manitoba, is set to invade the…

The Best Small Town in Every Province
Expedia - We searched every province for places that offer a range of welcoming charm, unique festivals, historical significance, and rigorous activities. Plus, to keep things fair, we kept our selections under a 6,000-person population size.…

Canada Manitoba Icelandic Festival Islendingadagurinn gets underway in Gimli
CBC News Manitoba - The festival that celebrates all things Icelandic runs July 29 to Aug. 1

Icelandic festival celebrates 85 years in Gimli, 127 years in Manitoba
CTV News Winnipeg - The world’s second-largest Icelandic population calls Manitoba home and every summer, thousands gather in Gimli to celebrate in an Icelandic festival known as Islendingadagurinn.

ISLENDINGADAGURINN Celebrating Icelandic culture
The Uniter - Islendingadagurinn, the Icelandic Festival of Manitoba, adds to the cultural mosaic of the province.

Íslendingur í Gimli: „Þessi stund breytti lífi mínu
DV - Mikil stemming hefur myndast á Íslendingaslóðum í Manitoba

Canada’s ties to Iceland run deep
Toronto Star - According to the Embassy of Iceland in Ottawa, “no foreign country has more inhabitants of Icelandic descent than Canada,” pegging estimates at between 100,000 and 200,000.

Thank God It's Free Range!
UMFM 101.5fm - Kieran West and his Buffalo Band are opening for Corin Raymond at the Times Change tonight and tomorrow PLUS kicking off Icelandic Fest up in Gimli next Friday.

Local Music Invades 126th Islendingadagurinn Festivities
Manitoba Music - Gimli is looking like a good place to be for live music this August long weekend. Islendingadagurinn, or the Icelandic Festival of Manitoba, has announced its free stages lineup for the 126th annual celebration of Icelandic…

Gimli's Viking gets facelift after a half century standing guard
CBC News Manitoba - Gimli's Viking has been caged up in orange tarps this week while it undergoes a facelift 48 years in the making.