Islendingadagurinn in the Media

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Email: General Inquiries 
Marketing / Communications: Jenna Boholij

Islendingadagurinn in Gimli boasts viking-led contests, Iceland’s Prime Minister and men’s Paralympic soccer friendly

Islendingadagurinn in Gimli boasts viking-led contests, Iceland’s Prime Minister and men’s Paralympic soccer friendly

Global News - Islendingadagurinn is a tradition almost as old as Manitoba itself, and this year includes a visit from Iceland’s prime minister and the country’s men’s paralympic soccer team.

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Icelandic Festival to host a very important guest

Icelandic Festival to host a very important guest

Winnipeg Free Press - The new prime minister of Iceland, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, will attend Islendigadagurinn, the Icelandic Festival of Manitoba, to be held Aug. 3 to 6 in Gimli.

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Katrín heiðurs­gest­ur vestra

Katrín heiðurs­gest­ur vestra

Morg­un­blaðið - Katrín Jak­obs­dótt­ir for­sæt­is­ráðherra og Heather Alda Ire­land, fyrr­ver­andi ræðismaður Íslands í Vancou­ver, verða heiðurs­gest­ir á Íslend­inga­dags­hátíðinni á Gimli í Kan­ada í ár. Katrín verður einnig…

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Small Canadian Town Provides Homes for Elves

Small Canadian Town Provides Homes for Elves

Mysterious Universe - The small fishing town of Gimli, Manitoba sits on the south western shore of Lake Winnipeg in Canada’s prairie region. Settled over a century ago by Icelandic settlers, the town has strong ties to the folklore and…

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Icelandic Festival of Manitoba celebrates 85th year with a new feature

Icelandic Festival of Manitoba celebrates 85th year with a new feature

Global News - The Icelandic Festival of Manitoba, otherwise known as Islendingadagurinn, drew thousands of people to Gimli in its first two days.

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Viking battle combatants train all year, participant says

Viking battle combatants train all year, participant says

CBC News Manitoba - Medieval history has come to life in Gimli, Man., this weekend with daily Viking battles and a village set up to resemble a Nordic community from more than a millennium ago.

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Gimli a hotspot this summer, says mayor

Gimli a hotspot this summer, says mayor

CTV News Winnipeg - Gimli is soaking up the sun and tourists’ business this summer, according to the mayor for the rural municipality.

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CTV Morning News

CTV Morning News

CTV News Winnipeg - Variety of Clips from the 128th Islendingadagurinn.

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Du 4 au 8 août, place à Islendingadagurinn à Gimli au Manitoba

Du 4 au 8 août, place à Islendingadagurinn à Gimli au Manitoba

RCI Radio Canada International - Le mot est joli n’est-ce pas? Si on le traduit en français, cela donne « festival islandais ». Oui, un festival islandais en plein Manitoba.

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Norse myths inspire new park surrounding Gimli's Viking statue

Norse myths inspire new park surrounding Gimli's Viking statue

CBC News Manitoba - Opening of park coincides with start of Islendingadagurinn.

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Vikings and athletes: Big crowds expected in Gimli as Summer Games, Icelandic Festival overlap

Vikings and athletes: Big crowds expected in Gimli as Summer Games, Icelandic Festival overlap

CBC News Manitoba - Islendingadagurinn launches Friday night as Canada Summer Games medal ceremony wraps up.

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Viking Park in Gimli Opening in Time for Icelandic Festival

Viking Park in Gimli Opening in Time for Icelandic Festival - Gimli has a new park to show off just days before the Icelandic Festival of Manitoba is to begin and while tourists and fans flock to the lakefront town for the 2017 Canada Summer Games.

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Icelandic Festival of Manitoba

Festival Gift Shop / Office 

Winter Hours
Monday, Friday - 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 
*Please call or email to arrange an appointment if required*

General Inquiries:
Phone: 1 (204) 642-7417

107-94 1st Avenue
Gimli, Manitoba, R0C 1B1