Luckystone Acres

Aug 2, 2025 to Aug 3, 2025

Saturday, August 2nd and Sunday, August 3rd - 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Location: Lucky Stone Acres - 90 N Colonization Rd Categories: Arts & Culture, Entertainment

Luckystone Acres

Date: Saturday, August 2nd and Sunday, August 3rd
Time: 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM daily 
Location: 90 N Colonization Road

Petting Zoo: 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM daily 
By donation (grain available for purchase) 

Farm Tours: 11,00 AM, 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM daily 
$10/person, 12 and under FREE
Hands on wood display - FREE

Get VIP benefits for this event with an Odin's Festival Pass 

Luckystone Acres is a family run farm located on the northern edge of the town of Gimli. When John Chudd passed away in 2018, the fate of the farm that he had built over his lifetime was uncertain. Understanding the vibrant history of the farm and not wanting to see it disappear, his grandson Craig Bailey and partner Zoe made a decision; uproot their established lives and careers and move to Gimli to rebuild the ageing farm and rejuvenate the land. Once a thriving dairy farm, Luckystone Acres has been transformed into the home of Gimli’s own flock of purebred Icelandic Sheep. Employing regenerative agricultural practices, Luckystone Acres produces quality local wool and meat from these magnificent animals. Known around the world for their resilience, beauty and versatility, these sheep have roots that go back to the age of the Vikings, and have been bred in Iceland for near countless generations. They fed and clothed the first European explorers to set foot in North America and their wool was even used to make the sails that got them there! 

Tour Luckystone Acres to catch a glimpse of these unique and revered animals! Meet this year’s lambs, sink your hands into a freshly shorn bundle of wool, and be a part of the continuing saga as it unfolds in this unique agricultural oasis hidden in the community. 

*Please note - no pets are allowed on site.


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Icelandic Festival of Manitoba

Festival Gift Shop / Office 

Winter Hours
Monday, Friday - 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 
*Please call or email to arrange an appointment if required*

General Inquiries:
Phone: 1 (204) 642-7417

107-94 1st Avenue
Gimli, Manitoba, R0C 1B1