
The Dennis N. Stefanson Memorial Scholarship

Do you like family, friends, fun, and food?

The late Dennis Stefanson did. He also loved the Icelandic Festival. It was his favourite weekend of the year. He was a President of the Icelandic Festival and throughout his life, he gave generously of his time. He spent his working years in the education system as a teacher, principal, and superintendent. He understood the importance of living a balanced life which involved time with his family, time with his friends, time working as a volunteer, and time doing the things that he loved in life with enthusiasm.

The family of the late Dennis Stefanson has established The Dennis N. Stefanson Memorial Scholarship in memory of Dennis. The amount of the Scholarship is $750. The Scholarship will be awarded in consultation with the Icelandic Festival of Manitoba at the Islendingadagurinn on the August long weekend. The general criteria for the Dennis N. Stefanson Memorial Scholarship include at this time:

  1. Responsible community citizenship
  2. Volunteer spirit
  3. Promotion of Icelandic culture
  4. Educational opportunity and/or achievement

The Stefanson family has had a rich tradition of involvement, enjoyment, and commitment to the Icelandic Festival of Manitoba. This scholarship will enhance and continue the close connection between the Stefanson family and the Icelandic Festival of Manitoba while honouring the dedication Dennis had to the Icelandic Festival of Manitoba.

Please send the following materials on or before July 17th to or by mail to:
107-94 First Avenue
Gimli, MB R0C 1B1

  1. Complete post high school academic results or grade 12 academic results if you have not yet commenced post high school studies;
  2. A summary of how you meet the general criteria above;
  3. Letter(s) of reference.

Congrats to the 2024 recipient, Sydney Burak

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Icelandic Festival of Manitoba

Festival Gift Shop / Office 

Winter Hours
Monday, Friday - 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 
*Please call or email to arrange an appointment if required*

General Inquiries:
Phone: 1 (204) 642-7417

107-94 1st Avenue
Gimli, Manitoba, R0C 1B1